Message From the East

Worshipful Master's May 2024 Message


I would like to begin this message with a special thanks to all the Past Masters who regularly attend our meetings and who are always willing to step in to fill roles so that our lodge can open. As Masons, there is regular conversation about how to increase our numbers with new members. I am less concerned about acquiring new members than I am about retaining current members. The principal officers have revived lost traditions this year in hopes of increasing interest among the members. We intended that the meetings would be more than just mundane business meetings, and I think we have done well in creating an experience as opposed to just a “meeting”.

All that being said, the business side of the fraternity is mandatory in keeping a roof over our heads, literally. At our last stated communication, the lodge voted for just that, a new roof. For years, the roof has needed replacement and has been neglected. This year, the lodge chose to invest in the future of our building by donating the funds to the GMTA for the much-needed roof replacement. I am proud of my Brothers who were in attendance to cast their votes. I am also proud of the members of the GMTA for finding a contractor to do the work and for the GMTA’s future management of this project. I understand that a roof is not the most attractive use of major funds, but without it, the building would be open to increasing damage, and we chose to secure the future of our temple and Masonry in Golden.

Bro. Benjamin Miller, WM